Alkaline Water – Tastier/Healthier Food
A lot of fruits and vegetables are treated with pesticides and other chemicals to protect them from little critters. Some distributors also spray on a product onto the fruits and vegetables that gives them a shiny appearance. And at times an organic farm may get chemical residues in the air from adjacent farms land on their fruits and vegetables. Bottom line is that the fruits and vegetables that we spend so much money on may be contaminated with chemicals and toxins in spite of our (and the farmers’) best intentions.
The Kangen water ionizer produces a super alkaline water (pH – 11.5) that is used to clean and remove the chemicals from the outer layer of fruits and vegetables. From tomatoes to lettuce to carrots to cauliflower to apples, strawberries and you name it, you can use this water to clean off the chemicals before you eat them.
Everyone knows that oil and water don’t mix. Guess again. Another useful benefit of this super alkaline water is that it can be used as a de-greaser. You can use it to degrease the stove/oven in the kitchen. Do you have a greasy re-usable bottle you want to clean? Put some of this water inside and watch it literally melt away the grease. Oil spill on the garage floor? Use this water to remove the oily residue off the floor, even in the garage.