Quality Kangen Water

Welcome to my site about homemade ionized and alkaline water using the Kangen machine by Enagic. This water ionizer uses electricity to create alkaline water that is highly ionized and easily absorbed by our body directly from your kitchen sink.

Kangen water ionizers can produce highly alkaline (pH ~ 11.5) and highly acidic (pH ~ 2.5) water for various uses around your home. Not only do you have access to great-tasting alkaline water, you have many other features and benefits right at your fingertips.

Besides a mild concentration of sodium chloride (saltwater) this unit requires no other chemicals to operate minimizing other costs.

Benefits of Water

The importance of water to our bodies cannot be overstated. In understanding this simple topic, it is best to think of how much of our body’s content is actually water. The answer is nearly 70% of our body is made up of water. Water is the fluid necessary for our body to be able to produce what it needs for mobility, cleansing, fighting disease, and self-regulating. There has always been a question as to how much water should we drink in a day. The answer is given in ounces and simply calculated as half of your body’s weight (in lbs). For example, if you weigh 100 lbs, then you should drink 50 oz (or 5-6 glasses) of water daily. Insufficient water intake contributed to a process known as acidosis.

Why Kangen Water Ionizers

People often ask why they should invest in a Kangen water ionizer. The answer is threefold: alkaline, anti-oxidants, and micro-clusters. 

Alkaline Water

The pH of the water determines its alkalinity. The Kangen water ionizers are able to produce highly alkaline (as well as highly acidic) water. The alkaline water is what you want to be drinking. However, acidic water does have its own uses around the house.


To understand this term better, let’s first look at the Oxidation process. Put simply, oxidation is a normal process in our bodies for the production of energy. The byproduct of this process leaves “free radicals” behind in our bodies. Even though our bodies are able to get rid of these free radicals on their own, sometimes there is too much of a build-up. The accumulation of these free radicals leads to oxidative stress. This in turn leads to the development of disease in the body. Anti-oxidants help counteract the harmful effect of oxidative stress. There are certain fruits and vegetables that contain a high level of antioxidants (e.g. blueberries). The water produced by the Kangen water ionizers also contains antioxidants, only at a much higher level than any fruits or vegetables.


This term refers to the clustering of water molecules together. The smaller the cluster size, the easier the water is absorbed into our cells. Tap water is clustered in large groups (over 10 or more molecules at a time). Kangen water ionizers break these larger groups into smaller clusters making them easier for absorption by our body. 



Water Ionizer for every need
Kangen Alkaline Ionizers, Ukon

Kangen Ionizers

Several types of in-home water ionizers to meet your needs. From a busy household to a more modern look, we can help you find the right model.


Ukon, the best anti-inflammatory product available.


Filters, water containers, portable gallon

Portable 1-gallon container
Kangen Water For Health

Enjoy the benefits of this wonderful water. Find out how you can sample the water for free.