Antibacterial Acidic Water
The Kangen water ionizers can produce a very strong anti-bacterial acidic water (pH = 2.5). What can you use this for? Everyone knows that we want to control the growth of bacteria and our exposure to bacteria. While some bacteria (like bugs) are good, some are quite harmful. The cleaning industry has given us lysol and chlorox along with a multitude of other cleaning agents to battle surface bacteria. Take a look at your own closet of cleaning supplies and you’ll see that you are spending plenty of money buying chemicals to minimize your exposure to bacteria. What we don’t know though is if exposure to these chemicals is also bad for humans. Remember Round-Up and its link to different types of cancer?

Antibacterial Water Without Chemicals
Antibacterial water is a highly effective cleaning agent. From the kitchen to the bathroom, the acidic water produced by the water ionizers is a very effective cleaning agent.

Disinfecting/Cleaning Cuts and Wounds
You can use this water to clean and disinfects cuts on your skin and relieve skin irritation. The water has been shown to be effective in clearing up acne, psoriases, eczema, athlete’s foot and fungal infections. It is helpful in healing minor cuts and lesions on the skin and in the mouth. It can help relieve sore throat (when you gargle with it). It can be used to clean your hands (no need for soap or hand sanitizers).
Food Preparation
It can be used to wash your fruits, vegetables, and meats to effectively and safely kill bacteria. It can be used to get rid of the nasty smell of certain foods (e.g. fishy smell of the fish fillet you want to eat).